I think it is not possible to combine tobago with facelets.
I haven't used facelets, but I think facelets are based on HTML-designed JSP source code.

Tobago on the other side abstracts from HTML. There are no HTML-Tags in the JSP source code. There are only abstract tags. The Renderkit converts it to HTML or any other ML.
The idea of Tobago is: The theme controls the look-and-feel of the page.


Mike Kienenberger wrote:
There's quite a few people using this framework.   Which license issue
are you needing to solve?   As I recall, tobago is just using a
different renderkit.   I don't think there would be any issues using
it with facelets.   You'd just need to set up a facelets taglib.xml
file for it, but that's true for all nonstandard JSF components. However, I haven't tried using tobago with facelets.

You'll probably receive more in-depth answers on the facelets users
mailing list.

On 12/3/05, Arash Bijanzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I would like to here any advise regarding to facelets. Did anybody used
this framework?
 What is the situation?
 How could license issue be solved?
 Is there the possibility to combine tobago and facelets?

 Thanks in advance

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