Hi Everybody;

I have a case that the user will enter a number and then I'll generate HTML TextAreas it's count is equal to the number he entered.

And i did that with the dataList.

But i need if he updated these textAreas i can get the updated values.

Here is sample code

<h:panelGrid align="center">          
        value="#{ bean.list}"
        <h:panelGrid columns="2" >       
            <h:outputText styleClass="standard" value="Comments:" />
            <h:inputTextarea value="#{myObject.comments}" rows="10" />                       
        <x:htmlTag value="br" />      

I thought "#{myObject.comments}" will update my bean "comments attribute", but after form submission the entered values in the textareas disappeared and the bean was not updated with the new values.

So, What should i do ?


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