On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 21:20 +0100, Andreas Zeller - zit-systems wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have been working with myFaces for the past few weeks and tried to
> implement a product management tool.
> Works as follows:
> It displays and html table with several columns, that should as well be
> removable and movable. I managed to implement sorting with
> commandSortHeader and inline-editing, using the column Tag.

I've implemented exactly that, with a "picklist" popup dialog to allow
the user to select which columns are shown, and in which order.

It's not possible to do this with the standard datatable, however. I
wrote a custom subclass of t:dataTable which adds attribute
"columnOrder". A custom renderer then filters the columns seen by the
standard renderer.

> But I am a little confused using the columns tag. How can I, for
> instance, set a single column not rendered? If I set the rendered
> attribute, I thought it might affect only a single column, but the
> moment I set the rendered attribute, it disable the entire set of columns.

Yep. That approach doesn't work (at least I spent a lot of time on it,
and didn't find any way to just hide a column).

> Anyway, I now decided to remove the columns from the model and remove
> the data instead of disabling them, but somehow I now get an
> IndexOutOfBoundsException that I didn't manage to get rid of yet.

That doesn't work; removing columns has all sorts of nasty internal
implications for the data table component. However a custom Renderer can
effectively do this by overriding the getChildren and getChildCount
methods to "filter out" the unwanted columns.

> My question would be, if anybody already has such a table model as a
> reference. I already took a look at the examples at irian.at, but the
> only dynamic model doesn't actually move and remove columns but fill
> them dynamically with random numbers, not exactly with values.

I've got permission to contribute this code to MyFaces, but not enough
time to do the actual integration just now. I can send you the code,

> If anyone has an example for that, I'd be glad if he or she might want
> to share it with me.

An alternative is to use the t:columns component instead of normal
columns, ie have a table with just one child: a t:columns. This then
allows you to define everything very dynamically though it does move the
definition of what columns exist into the backing bean rather than being
in the JSP page.



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