Hi Olexandr,

do you have a width and height in the tc:page tag?
You may set it in almost all cases. (this might be required)

The LayoutManager computes in the moment only fix sizes.

If you want your application to autoresize to the browser-window
you have to define the page like this:

  id="page" state="#{layout}"
  width="#{layout.width}" height="#{layout.height}">

and define a managed bean like this (in faces-config.xml):


with a class Layout like

package mypackage;

import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.model.PageStateImpl;

public class Layout extends PageStateImpl {

  private int width;
  private int height;

  public int getWidth() {
    if (getClientWidth() != 0) {
      return getClientWidth();
    return width;

  public void setWidth(int width) {
    this.width = width;

  public int getHeight() {
    if (getClientHeight() != 0) {
      return getClientHeight();
    return height;

  public void setHeight(int height) {
    this.height = height;

there is one disadvantage in the moment. The resizing is will take effect after the next server-request.

Hope that helps.


Olexandr Zakordonskyy schrieb:

Look at the example:
<t:sheet columns="25px;1*;90px;80px;80px;50px;80px" forceVerticalScrollbar="false" showHeader="true"

The sheet is hiding.
When is set the width and height in pixels:

<t:panel width="800" height="800">
                    <t:sheet columns="25px;1*;90px;80px;80px;50px;80px"
forceVerticalScrollbar="false" showHeader="true"

It works fine.

But I need the sheet to autoresize to 100% to do not use scrolls. What you may advise in this situation?


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