It takes some high level bookkeeping to determine the real value..


Legolas Woodland wrote:
I think , who will buy these stuff , All company that has money to by these product line has their own stuff (IBM ,BEA ,SUN ,MS,ORACLE) , is there any other company that has enough cash to buy those products ? how much those products costs ? for example how much should buyer pay to get Jbuilder ?
can any one suggest , or read something some where ?

Martin van den Bemt wrote:

Werner Punz wrote:

Sean Schofield schrieb:

I personally love JBuilder but it is very pricey.

I think you brought up the main point, now that the enterprise stuff
finally again is moving into sane domains pricewise (Thanks to Sun and
MyEclipse) Borland simply cannot afford to charge this money for their
stuff anymore.
Borland started as a tools vendor with moderate prices at a time where
tools simply cost a fortune. So lots of people who wanted to learn
programming started to use their tools, lots of professionals as well
who could not afford the heavy priced alternatives.

Once Kahn was kicked out they lost this strategy and pushed a high price
strategy with Enterprise plastered all over it (probably a stupid idea
of some MBAs taking over internally)

I think the problem started when Niels Jensen left and started JPI (one of the founders of Borland, don't know when the others left, Kahn is not the founder btw). Normally when the soul leaves the company, the company changes.


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