Or use c:set to store it into a bean.

Andrew Robinson wrote:
If you are using facelets, you could use an EL function to format the value

On 2/9/06, Peter Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I wondered how to store formatted values in a parameter. Say I would like
to set a formatted date as a message property...

Something like this:


<h:outputFormat value="#{messages['searchresults.lastModified']}">
   <f:param value="#{searchObject.lastModified}">
     <f:convertDateTime pattern="d MMM yyyy" locale="nl_NL" />


this doesn't work since the param tag doesn't allow body content... and it
doesn't seem to have support for using converters....

Is it possible to temporarely store the results of a conversion into a
reusable variable?


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