Hello Madan,

tc:column is only for Columns inside of tc:sheet.
tc:cell is useful if there is a tc:gridLayout facet in the parent container to set spanX and/or spanY

tc:panel may have its own layout-manager.

A simple sample you can see here: http://tobago.atanion.net/tobago-example-demo/faces/overview/layout.jsp
You may click on the "view source" button in the footer.

Hope that helps,


madan chowdary schrieb:
Hi Volker,

Thnx for the reply...

Gone through the code, hope this would help me...

But can u suggest whats the best manner to write code with <tc:gridLayout/>

i need to display some textboxes and other components in a page.

Right now i am using <tc:cell/> .

But what does <tc:column/> does ? where can i use <tc:cell/> and <tc:column/>

can i use a panel instead of <tc:cell> ?


----- Original Message ----
From: Volker Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, 24 February, 2007 12:06:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ Tobago ] Regarding Alignment Problems with gridLayout

Hi Madan,

please see

hope it helps.


2007/2/23, madan chowdary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All,
> I have a gridLayout in which i display some data in ordered manner.
> Based upon some conditions, i need to show data.
> I use rendered for condition checking, so for a <tc:cell> i place the
> rendered attribute.
> But when rendering the table is including this <tc:cell> also. The rows i > specified for this cell is aslo rendered , but this doesn't show anything
> as the condition is false. But the space is shown.
> This makes all my alignment look awkward ,
> Any Suggestions regarding this, Think many would have faced this problem.
> I need to fix some UI Issues which includes these things also..
> Thnx in Advance
> Regards,
> Madan
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