The artifacts exist in the repository repo1.maven.org/maven2. They also exist in ibiblio.

Paul Spencer

Zohner, Michael wrote:

When will it be available in maven repository ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 19 April 2007 13:43
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] MyFaces Tomahawk v1.1.5 Release

Finally! What a happy day! I go celebrating now ;)



On 4/19/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hopefully we fix the issue that the demos don't contain java-sources for the next release ;-)


On 4/19/07, Manfred Geiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of "MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.5".

MyFaces Tomahawk provides a series of JavaServer Faces components that go beyond the JSF specification. These components are compatible with the Sun JSF 1.1 Reference Implementation (RI) or any

other JSF 1.1 compatible implementation. Of course the custom components can also be used with the Apache JSF implementation
"MyFaces Core 1.1.5".
MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.5 is available in both binary and source
    * http://myfaces.apache.org/download.html

MyFaces Tomahawk is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.tomahawk".


Release Notes - MyFaces Tomahawk - Version 1.1.5

Important: For RI compatibility, and adherence to the spec, itemValues can no longer coerce to the backing bean type. You may get the validation error "Value is not a valid option." when this
Previous versions of MyFaces/Tomahawk did coerce the itemValue to the type of the backing bean, so applications that relied on that will no longer work as expected.

** Fixed Bugs
* [TOMAHAWK-17] - <t:commandSortHeader> processes action / actionListener before updating values of sortColumn and
    * [TOMAHAWK-23] - SelectOneCountry needs to support an empty
    * [TOMAHAWK-36] - t:div, t:span, s:fieldset should render
    * [TOMAHAWK-41] - inputDate does not support forceId
    * [TOMAHAWK-42] - ImportCalendar doesn't work in FireFox browser
* [TOMAHAWK-66] - add colspan (and header/footer colspan) attributes to tomahawk extended column tag
    * [TOMAHAWK-80] - AliasBean doesn't need the renderer
    * [TOMAHAWK-141] - InputSuggestAjax should allow differentiation

between text in popup and text in input box
    * [TOMAHAWK-258] - sandbox inputSuggestAjax ignores onkeydown
    * [TOMAHAWK-322] - InputSuggestAjax: False Encoding with German
    * [TOMAHAWK-378] - Can't submit an empty date with x:inputDate
    * [TOMAHAWK-402] - error message on popup, when using SSL
    * [TOMAHAWK-467] - SEVERE: Row is not available. Rowindex = 4
    * [TOMAHAWK-469] - Enter key in inputSuggestAjax submits form
    * [TOMAHAWK-491] - t:columns generates wrong name in children
input fields
* [TOMAHAWK-506] - Schedule getClickedTime() returns incorrect time in compact views
    * [TOMAHAWK-516] - JSCookMenu problems in a Trinidad project
* [TOMAHAWK-521] - Values from checkboxes not received on submit, when branches are collapsed.
    * [TOMAHAWK-524] - RedirectTrackerManager should be Serializable
    * [TOMAHAWK-535] - Schedule Tooltip is broken in Internet
    * [TOMAHAWK-541] - Tomahawk TLD error
    * [TOMAHAWK-554] - Can't use automatic sorting on dataTable when

some columns doesn't have a header facet
* [TOMAHAWK-565] - inputHTML produces IE security warning about midex secure and unsecure items
    * [TOMAHAWK-589] - Remove JSP dependency from navmenu renderers
* [TOMAHAWK-590] - Unparsable lastModified : @lastModified@ should be no ERROR * [TOMAHAWK-605] - compareToValidator JSP tag converts "comparator" property to string instead of Comparator
    * [TOMAHAWK-606] - t:commandLink does not work - gives
javascript error
* [TOMAHAWK-623] - RedirectTracker and RedirectTrackerRequestMapWrapper remove implementation * [TOMAHAWK-640] - Javascript-Code broken when using 2 or more PPRPanelGroups
    * [TOMAHAWK-644] - Nullpointer in AutoScrollerPhaseListener when

using weblets and a request for a resource comes in.
    * [TOMAHAWK-647] - t:popup no longer pops up if id isn't
specified manually.
* [TOMAHAWK-650] - ScheduleDay getFirstEventHour() incorrect when all day event and non-all day event exist
    * [TOMAHAWK-651] - Excessive warnings when using Tomahawk with
    * [TOMAHAWK-656] - Dates missing in Schedule month view
    * [TOMAHAWK-660] - resources fail in web apps with spaces in
context path
* [TOMAHAWK-672] - RedirectTrackerManager behavior must be disabled by default
    * [TOMAHAWK-682] - Editor does not work anymore in Firefox
* [TOMAHAWK-683] - r448673 lost ValueBinding support for message/detailMessage/summaryMessage
    * [TOMAHAWK-685] - NPE during ClassCastException in
* [TOMAHAWK-695] - PPRPanelGroup partialTriggers don't work for commandLink, selectOneMenu and selectBooleanCheckBox
    * [TOMAHAWK-696] - PPRPanelGroup partialTriggers don't support
    * [TOMAHAWK-697] - PPRPanelGroup panelGroup insert renderd spans

into each other when repeatetly refreshing
* [TOMAHAWK-707] - PPRPanelGroup partialTriggerPattern js-function produces JS-error when invoked with non-string object
    * [TOMAHAWK-710] - Add new CSS classes to schedule
    * [TOMAHAWK-714] - Error in inputDate documentation
* [TOMAHAWK-738] - SaveState fails with a java.util.List implementation other than ArrayList
    * [TOMAHAWK-745] - pprPanelGroup doesn't save the state
* [TOMAHAWK-748] - International Characters not displaying correctly - apparent encoding problem. * [TOMAHAWK-749] - t:stylesheet example renders two head elements (patch included)
    * [TOMAHAWK-752] - TabbedPane does not implement NamingContainer
    * [TOMAHAWK-759] - When type="both", inputDate does not accept
null value
* [TOMAHAWK-760] - modalDialog shows in page instead of being a popup in Internet Explorer
    * [TOMAHAWK-764] - ValueBinding lost for first attribute
    * [TOMAHAWK-765] - Callback-Handling in AJAX-Form components
    * [TOMAHAWK-774] - Browser does not cache resources
    * [TOMAHAWK-803] - SelectOneLanguage validator never called
    * [TOMAHAWK-804] - SelectOneCountry validators are ignored
    * [TOMAHAWK-813] - submitOnEvent doesn't recognize image
    * [TOMAHAWK-817] - s:selectItems fails when label is null
    * [TOMAHAWK-818] - TableSuggestAjax after upgrade of dojo.
    * [TOMAHAWK-834] - HtmlDataScrollerTag missing a shit load of
* [TOMAHAWK-835] - Missing properties for HtmlNewspaperTableTag & HtmlColumnsTag
    * [TOMAHAWK-845] - Wrong urls for JsCookMenu images when cookies

are disabled
* [TOMAHAWK-846] - Calendar does not work with Sun RI 1.1 when renderAsPopup="true" and date value is initially null
    * [TOMAHAWK-848] - FacesIO is not working with the latest DOJO
* [TOMAHAWK-850] - displayValueOnly on input elements who are required triggers validation
    * [TOMAHAWK-852] - tableSuggestAjax not processing cursor keys
    * [TOMAHAWK-859] - possible bug in the tomahawk taglib tld the
dojo part
    * [TOMAHAWK-869] - <t:selectOneCountry> empty selection does not
    * [TOMAHAWK-870] - Sandbox dojolayouts.FloatingPaneTag iconSrc
* [TOMAHAWK-886] - DojoInitializer doesn't render correctly after restoreState
    * [TOMAHAWK-898] - New tableSuggestAjax is ignoring multiple
* [TOMAHAWK-901] - EmailValidator considers leading-trailing whitespaces as invalid * [TOMAHAWK-903] - Changing the rendered "state" of inputDate causes a NullPointerException * [TOMAHAWK-905] - s:filterTable and s:sortableColumn missing TLD attributes (FilterTableRenderer) * [TOMAHAWK-906] - DojoUtils class not handling isAttribute methods in components * [TOMAHAWK-909] - PPRPanelGroup ignores return value of false from custom onClick
    * [TOMAHAWK-910] - inputSugestAjax onchange JavaScript error
    * [TOMAHAWK-916] - jslistener.jsf example no longer works
* [TOMAHAWK-928] - DojoUtils.getAttributeMap fails for subclassed Dojo Components
    * [TOMAHAWK-932] - SelectBox example always fails the door
    * [TOMAHAWK-934] - Email validator allows whitespace
    * [TOMAHAWK-936] - TableSuggestAjax aborts page load in IE

** Improvement
    * [TOMAHAWK-441] - Add orientation parameter to NewspaperTable
* [TOMAHAWK-472] - Prevent overwrite of field value if suggestions don't exactly match * [TOMAHAWK-503] - Capture and restore saveState Beans and messages when using redirect navigation rule
    * [TOMAHAWK-510] - Facelets + Inline EL + tree2 =
    * [TOMAHAWK-517] - Tomahawk Maven2 oddity: 1.1.3 requires
    * [TOMAHAWK-525] - Refactor of DefaultScheduleEntryRenderer
    * [TOMAHAWK-603] - Remove all of the unused code, variables, and

import statements identified by Eclipse 3.1.2
* [TOMAHAWK-621] - Tomahawk DayRenderer move inner classes out make more methods protected vs private * [TOMAHAWK-639] - Improve overlap detection for zero length events in the detailed view
    * [TOMAHAWK-659] - add colspan attribute to tomahawk PanelGrid /
    * [TOMAHAWK-661] - DojoDialog has no style and styleClass
* [TOMAHAWK-675] - Build the example apps with specified versions of MyFaces and Tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-701] - TabbedPane renders all tabs in server side
    * [TOMAHAWK-706] - body onload does not exist
    * [TOMAHAWK-731] - Improvement in MyFaces-Javascripts for
    * [TOMAHAWK-743] - Fisheye component based on a DataModel
* [TOMAHAWK-744] - Enable better layouting for dataScroller - ability to switch between "list", "table", "singleList" and "singleTable" layouts
    * [TOMAHAWK-747] - improve dojo initialisation times
* [TOMAHAWK-751] - Enhancing PPRGroup - periodicalUpdate for refreshing a partial page automatically
    * [TOMAHAWK-767] - ASF Source Header and Copyright Notice Policy
    * [TOMAHAWK-773] - Possible NullPointerException in
* [TOMAHAWK-836] - Tomahawk component renderers are not in FacesContext during the Shale Testing
    * [TOMAHAWK-853] - Dojo Update from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
    * [TOMAHAWK-884] - TableSuggestAjax JavaScript based on Dojo
    * [TOMAHAWK-919] - Improve description of buffer in apt
* [TOMAHAWK-921] - Improve usage example for validateEqual by adding second input

** New Feature
    * [TOMAHAWK-109] - disabled property for <x:panelTab>
    * [TOMAHAWK-151] - New component <s:selectItems>
* [TOMAHAWK-182] - new validator - validate comma separated entries by splitting them and validating individually
    * [TOMAHAWK-551] - EmptySelection Patch for SelectOneLanguage
    * [TOMAHAWK-597] - Client Side Validation Support
    * [TOMAHAWK-607] - Security Resolver
    * [TOMAHAWK-615] - Exporting DataTable data to excel
    * [TOMAHAWK-618] - Partial Page Rendering for tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-655] - New component DojoDialog in Tomahawk-Sandbox
    * [TOMAHAWK-684] - New attribute activePanelTabVar for
    * [TOMAHAWK-702] - PPRPanelGroup support a regular Expression as

partialTrigger attribute
    * [TOMAHAWK-708] - PPRPanelGroup should support an inline
Loading Message
* [TOMAHAWK-721] - Toggle component for sandbox. This component allows the user to switch between View/Edit modes * [TOMAHAWK-730] - create a component which will submit a form on a specific event
    * [TOMAHAWK-839] - Add attributes to <t:dataTable> that will set

the style and class attributes of the renered <tbody> tag.
    * [TOMAHAWK-864] - Sorting by locale in FacesContext for strings
    * [TOMAHAWK-876] - Image loop / slide show component
* [TOMAHAWK-879] - InputSuggestAjax does not use the "style" option

** Task
    * [TOMAHAWK-805] - Move sandbox selectItems to Tomahawk

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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