In the FishServlet is a reference to the managed bean "fishPond".
It can be used after:

FishPond fishPond = (FishPond) VariableResolverUtil.resolveVariable(facesContext, "fishPond");



By the way, the NonFacesRequestServlet is a way to provide external links with parameters to a JSF application. Internal command should be processed with the JSF methods (outcome/navigation-hander/...)

Madan Narra schrieb:
Hi Udo,
Thnx for the quick response. I have another doubt to get clarified . In the NonFacesRequest Example, the " FishServlet " extends NonFacesRequestServlet.
This class is specified in web.xml.
Can the same servlet be used as a Managed bean (registered in faces-config.xml) ie if it can be referred in a Tobago Page and invoke those methods that are attached to some of the components in that page ?

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