Hallo Zied,

there is a special tag for almost this job: tc:columnSelector.
But AFAIK in the moment the only selection model is "multiselect". This tag should be extended to other selection models like "singleselect".

You may add a JIRA issue for this.



Zied Hamdi schrieb:
is it possible to do sth like:
<tc:sheet id="phones" columns="50px;15*;18px;18px" value= "#{personCtrl.current.bean.phones}" var="phone" >


<tc:column label="#{i18n.main}" sortable ="true"> <tc:selectOneRadio id= "main" value="#{phone.main}"> <f:selectItem id= "mainPhone" itemValue="false" itemLabel= ""/> </tc:selectOneRadio> </tc:column>


</tc:sheet> and join occurences with a group name (to have the radio buttons behaviour) ???. Note: maybe if it's not possible today, may we extend the taglib selectOneRadio to see if the same id is many times in the sheet...

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