
I didn't get what you want to change, sorry. Do you want to change one component on every page, or the general background, or only for a single page?

Generally Firebug (for Firefox) is a great tool to find out the structure of the html and check which style effects a component.

I agree, that the structure is sometimes not plain, that is an issue to to the Tobago 1.1 release.



kanth99 schrieb:
Hi All,

I have been modifying the Example demo of Tobago.I wanted to change the
color of layout page ,so same will be applicable to all the pages.I modified
the div tags in 'style.css' in the primary theme and the other supported
themes.But the color of page has not changed.

There are so many divs (for example tobago-gridLayout-default
,tobago-tab-link etc..).By changing hte color of which div element will
change the color of layout,also how to quickly identify divs related to the
components?I think Naming conventions are confusing.


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