
generally Tobago can not be combined with any other tags libs freely.
You can use f: tags, but not h: tags.
The main reason is, that in Tobago every container has a layout-manager which set the position of the component.

You may use tc:link instead of h:commandLink. An other effect is, that the tc:link will be rendered with the configured theme automatically.

Hope that helps.


Pierre Martin schrieb:
Hi all,

I got this project that runs basically with simple JSF RI components.
Now I'm trying to include Tobago components in the project. Since I included
all the libs required, it seems taht my RI components are trying to get
rendered by my tobago renderer.

In glassfish I got this stack :
Wrong type: Need org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UICommand, but was

I'm very new to tobago. Am I doing something wrong?

Here is my tobago-config.xml



A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let
alone.  - Thoreau

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