Hi tobagouser,

you can put 2 <tc:panel> in the box like this:

<f:facet name="layout">
<tc:gridLayout columns="*;*"/>

<f:facet name="layout">
<tc:gridLayout rows="fixed;fixed"/>



<f:facet name="layout">
<tc:gridLayout rows="fixed;fixed"/>




but I'm not sure I understand what you need. If I'm wrong please send a little picture of the layout you wish.



Am 16.04.10 11:00, schrieb tobagouser:
Any suggestions on this please..

tobagouser wrote:
HI All,

I am using tobago to put some pages.I have a requirement, Inside a box
left part is having input rows (tc:in) and remaining half right part has a
separate border  and css and has input rows (tc:in and select boxes).

I can not have a single grid layout and have them left rows and right rows
in different columns.because the input rows in the left half and right
half are not in same Order.They are in zigzag manner.so I need to have a
separate gridlayout for left half and separate gridlayout for right half.

Could you please let me know whether it is separate  gridlayouts for left
and right portion of the box (screen).
Please let me know how to implement it.


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