
there is no style class "tobago-box-footer" defined for any HTML tag. So the style will not be applied.

When you want to give some panels a different style, you can assign a markup like:
<tc:panel markup="important" ...
this will result in HTML with the class "tobago-panel-markup-important". Than you can define a style for that class. First, you have to register a markup for a renderer. See: http://myfaces.apache.org/tobago/faq.html#tobagocustommarkup

If you want to see which styles from which files will be applied, you may use Firebug, or any other browser development tool, which are very helpful.



Am 26.04.10 20:06, schrieb tobagouser:
Hi Udo,Helmut

Thanks for the info.Its really useful.

My requirements are

1.I want to have a different background color and shade to some of the
panels in the  pages.This color and shade should be different from the
default panel  css ,so it should have a different css .

2.As mentioned earlier I want to add a new  css to the border footer.I added
it similar to the box header  css in the speyside style.css file ..like

.tobago-box-footer {
values here...

But this footer css never applied on the pages.

please let me know whether tc:style tag  applies at the page level only or
applies  at the child  tags like panel and box.

also please let me know how to  add a new css to box footer and why the
above css does not worked.


Udo Schnurpfeil wrote:

The simple way: You can also put a file "style/style.css" (exactly this
name) in the webapp directory. The ResourceManager will find it and add
it to the list of needed resources. The style will be effect all Tobago
pages in one application.

Helmut solution is also possible. The advantage is, you can decide,
which pages need the style. It is also possible to make changes in more
than one theme, if needed.

If you want to make bigger changes to the design of the pages (specially
for more than one application), you may want to write a Tobago theme,
that contains your custom look and feel.



Am 22.04.10 15:55, schrieb Helmut Swaczinna:

wich style.css do you mean exactly? Where is it located? You can add
your own styles with the tc:style tag, e.g.<tc:style
style="style/mystyles.css" />, under your resource path.


Am 22.04.2010 15:51, schrieb tobagouser:
Any inputs on this please..

tobagouser wrote:
Hi All,

I have tried to add tobago-box-footer to the style.css ,but it never
affected the pages.Please could you let me know how to add a new css to


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