Hello Hani,

I've never tried to use <c:set>, so I have no experience with that tag.

Your code will not work, because the content inside of the <tc:sheet> will be visited only one time.
The JSTL Tag needs to be called in each row to make it work.

Mixing JSTL and JSF and use of iterators have some drawbacks. This depends also on the version of the libraries. Which version you are using?

You may try to make your data accessible via the var-attribute of the sheet:

<tc:sheet var="row" ...>
                <tc:out  value="#{row.subListAsString}" />



Am 20.05.10 16:39, schrieb Abushammala, Hani (EXTERN: FTP):

We want to visualize some dynamic content within a column for each row
of sheet with jstl.

We tried to incrment a variable (defined outside of the tc:sheet
element)  with:<c:set var="counter" value="${counter + 1}" />  to get
the row index, but it doesn't work.


<tc:sheet ..>

                <c:set var="counter" value="${counter + 1}" />

                <c:forEach  items="${bean.itmesList[counter].subList}"
var="w" varStatus="status">
                        <tc:out  value="${w}" />



Is it possible and how?

Thank you.

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