Im starting a project (JSF (Mojarra or MyFaces),JPA, EJB,Primefaces) and i
want to use "Apache Open Web Beans" but the information is so poor, i can't
find enough information for work with it.
Can somebody know where i can find example and how to use OWB please!!

I had the same problem(not enough information) with MyFaces CODI
(Navigation,Messages and Security) and  with some effort (questions in
mailing list's, reading from a few pages) i could use Apache CODI, now im
trying to implement it in the same project OWB, but i really feel so
frustated to see excellent frameworks and extensions from Apache, but i
consider that the information its very but very very POOR!!

The only thing i now to OWB its a "replacement" for WELD and works great
with all Apache Products.

The user guide still in TODO lines...

Sorry 4 my english

*SCJA. José Luis Cetina*

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