On 14/06/2012 12:40, Leonardo Uribe wrote:

I have checked the problem and what you need to do is implement your
properties into your component class using StateHelper methods,
otherwise the properties will not be saved and restored.

Take a look at:


There, you'll see how to do it. But I think in your case there is no
need to implement augmentedSen property into the component at all, and
instead use the stored ValueExpression to find the right bean. If
"augementedSen" is an "attached object" of the composite component,
similar to converters or validators or behaviors, it has sense to
implement it into the component class.
Thanks a lot for your answer.

I will take a closer look at it in July, as it is seems to be the right things to do.

Being in a hurry, I had to quickly and dirtily retrive the parameter bean by name in the backend bean for now... :-|

Thanks again.


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