
First I apologize if this has been publicly discussed and posted elsewhere (in 
one of these lists even) and I have missed it. Regarding building and running 
releases of Netbeans post 8.X, is there some sort of standard for which JDK (of 
those available at the time) should it be possible to do either or both of 
these in for each new Netbeans version? In other words: is there some rule or 
"best practice" when consolidating what Netbeans N (N >= 9.0) will be, which 
JDKs it should, or must, be possible to build and run it in before the actual 
official release? Further, should there be, and would it be best to explicitly 
put that in the documentation for each release?
I ask, really late if I'm being honest, because it seems like a logical 
extension of the settled debate about the new Netbeans release cycle and its 
distancing from the JDK release cycle itself or Oracle's new 3 year LTS model. 
I don't remember reading it anywhere after that topic was decided in the dev 
mailing list (again, might have missed it).

On a completely separate topic, currently there's a sale on HumbleBundle (the 
book bundle, Java by Packt) that includes a bunch of seemingly useful tools for 
learning and or getting up to speed on Java development. Would any of you 
consider this a worthwhile investment for someone who has used the language, 
and Netbeans, but not delved deep into it? I'd like to learn enough so that I 
can actually contribute to the Netbeans project, among others, in the future, 
instead of just ask random stuff on the mailing list.

Thank you.

Emilio G.C.

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