On Fri, 14 Dec 2018, 21:05 Marc Streckfuß <marc.streckf...@gmail.com wrote:

> 2. I tried using editor.setValue(obj); FROM the Swing Component in the
> Swing Thread (every time any UI Component changes it's value), but this
> fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to mutate in
> notification, because my Swing Components also react to
> editor.setValue() calls.

That sounds along the right lines to me, except why does your custom editor
have to respond to editor.setValue() calls? If you really need to, you
could use a boolean updating flag.

There's a range of pages on the old website around this. Maybe this is more
useful for you?

Perhaps this also useful?
Or have a look in the form module.

Best wishes,



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