I am having the same problem with Netbeans 12.0 on Windows. I use ANT. I 
understand the overall concept of modules. When I use anything from java.sql in 
my code and try using Ctrl-Shift-I to have Netbeans add the import statements 
to the code file, it doesn't work. Same as what Bob reported. The Classes and 
Sources lists for my Platform for my project, which uses AdoptOpenJDK 
11.0.9-hotspot, contain java.sql. What else exactly needs to be done to make 
sure I have java.sql module imported?

Thank you.


On 2/8/2021 5:19 AM, Daoud Abdelmonem Faleh wrote:

> Make sure you have Java.sql module imported
> [https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.sql/mo](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.sql/module-summary.html)

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