On Jun 18, 2008, at 7:34 AM, Jaime Geovane Marcondes wrote:


   OpenEJB is amazing to boost the development of EJB3.0.

Quite a lot of effort goes into making things as easy as possible, so we definitely appreciate the positive feedback! Thank you!

   I tried to configure OpenEJB to run in Local Mode, for debugging
purposes. When it runs, the log shows:

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name "jdbc_SecurityDS" not found

   I then tried to configure in ejb-jar.xml, but it didn't work.
   But the log shows:

2008-06-18 11:22:57,671 - INFO - Creating Resource(id=jdbc_SecurityDS)

   And then:
2008-06-18 11:22:58,125 - DEBUG - finished invoking method getMovement with
exception java.sql.SQLException: Name "jdbc_SecurityDS" not found.

   My openejb.conf:
        <Resource id="jdbc/SecurityDS" type="DataSource">
            JdbcDriver  oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
            JdbcUrl     jdbc:oracle:thin:@xxx.xx.xx.xxx:9921:source
            UserName    sec_usr
            Password    sec_usr

        <Deployments dir="C:\projects\Services\classes\" />
        <Deployments jar="C:\temp\deploy\Services.jar" />

   My ejb-jar.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

With a resource-ref like that in your ejb-jar.xml, you should be able to lookup the DataSource from inside the AccountServicesBean like so:

DataSource sequrancaDs = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/SegurancaDs");

If that doesn't work, post your log output and the full stack trace and we probably figure out what's going on.


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