Added support for this:


On Apr 10, 2008, at 1:48 PM, David Blevins wrote:

On Apr 10, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Karsten Ohme wrote:

I have overseen that I used name instead of beanName. This was the reason.

I've been poking into this one also. Though not spec required, I think it'd be neat if we could employ the "name" to break a tie in the case of an ambiguous EJB ref. We already do that sort of matching for @Resource refs.


Karsten Ohme schrieb:
The same bean is injected, when I do this:
  @EJB(name = "Foo")
  private SignatureService otherService;
  @EJB(name = "Bar")
  private SignatureService selfService;
Although there are two different implementations with the corresponding
name. Do I do something wrong?

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