On Oct 22, 2008, at 4:11 AM, Jean-Sébastien Scrève wrote:

Ok thanks for the tip David.

What I try to implement is "conversation" between Tapestry and OpenEJB. This
"conversation" concept is already implemented into Seam.

Very interesting.

I store the stateful instance into a web session and I'd like to remove the
instance as soon as the session expires.

That's why I thought that an API that would allow us to remove stateful
could be helpful.

Another trick is to have an interceptor associated with the stateful bean that throws a runtime exception when you want to remove the stateful bean. Any unchecked exception not marked as an @ApplicationException will cause the stateful bean (and the interceptors instances associated with it) to be discarded. Not quite the same as @Remove as the @PreDestroy method of the stateful bean won't be called. But is something you could use as a last resort.

I know it already exists in OpenEJB but a standard API to parse deployment
information outside sessions beans could also be a nice thing.

What do you think ?

I've actually been wanting to implement something similar, basically Stateful Session beans where the instance itself is tracked within the scope of the http session under the covers. A Stateful Bean whose state is tied to the HTTP Session. A Stateful HTTP Session Bean. A Servlet could have a reference to one injected, not have to store it in it's HttpSession, and when it uses the reference we would under the covers delegate the call to an instance stored in the http session or create one if one didn't exist. It would also make it so that several references to the same stateful bean in a webapp would all point to the same instance, rather than each getting it's own individual instance as they do now.


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