On Oct 22, 2008, at 3:15 AM, Bernhard Humm wrote:

David Blevins wrote:

In OpenEJB 3.0, when using the supplied HSQL datasource in a TestCase
we should be using an in memory database with the JdbcUrl of
"jdbc:hsqldb:mem:hsqldb".  In OpenEJB 3.0 that sometimes worked and
sometimes didn't (depending on if you had a conf/ directory in your
openejb.base path), in which case the files were written to disk and
the JdbcUrl ended up as "jdbc:hsqldb:file:data/hsqldb/hsqldb" which
would be relative to your openejb.base path as in "${openejb.base}/

In OpenEJB 3.1 we have a better way of detecting when we are running
embedded and the JdbcUrl will always be "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:hsqldb"
unless explicitly changed.


Dear David,

thank you for your detailed answer. However, it indeed does not work with
OpenEJB 3.0 in my case. Is there a way of getting OpenEJB 3.1 to test
whether it works with the new release?

Wanted to respond to this earlier, but was swamped with finalizing the release. Anyway, it's up now. Give it a try and hopefully things work.

If not post some config details and maybe we can spot something.


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