Why anybody has answers to more complicated questions? ;)
I'll leave it with SystemInstance.get().setComponent(RoleResolver.class,
...) for now, but I'm sure there's a better way...
I've found that some web pages states about a security namespace, which
has a default-principal tag, but that's for geronimo.
How to configure it in the tomcat integration? I'm sure there's a way to
do it...

Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez

Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez escreveu:
I'm using openejb under tomcat (with openejb.war).
I implemented a custom Tomcat Realm, and everything was going fine, but I found one problem: I need to use a role name ("public") as the unauthenticated user, but I didn't find out how to do this... After some deep debugging, I found out that I could, at some point, call SystemInstance.get().setComponent(RoleResolver.class, new Something()), being something a class that returns the "public" role when no roles are available. But it just don't smell well to me.
There must be a better way.
Any thoughts?

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