On Jan 9, 2009, at 5:08 PM, JensToerber wrote:

Tried to get my application running with Hibernate as JPA-Provider on Tomcat
with Openejb:
Openejb is loaded during startup of Tomcat, hence the Classes in
<openejb-webapp>\lib (yes lib) are loaded very early. Take care to do the same Class Loading Order in your Development environment, otherwise you
can't compare the two infrastructures.

There seems to be a problem with slf4j-api-1.3.1.jar and
slf4j-jdk14-1.3.1.jar (part of Openejb 3.1).

Thanks for this note. We don't use that library directly and after a little digging looks like it's a requirement for Apache CXF. If you don't use web services, you can safely delete the openejb-cxf jar as well as these jars:


If you do delete any of the above make sure you do delete the openejb- cxf-3.1.jar as it contains a META-INF service file that will cause us to load CXF and it's requirements.

I had to update these to version 1.5.2. (otherwise LinkageError or no such
Method Error), because i use Hibernate-Entitymanager 3.4.0.GA and
Hibernate-Annotations 3.4.0.GA (and the corresponding delivered dependencies
see below).

I also had to copy all Hibernate jars into <openejb-webapp>\lib folder
instead of in WEB-INF\lib (is this really intended?), otherwise you get
NoClassDef Found Error:

It's a side effect of the persistence unit needing to be available at a lower level than the webapp; it could be used by another webapp or ejb jar in the ear if their was one. We could add something here if you had a pressing need for it and knew you weren't going to be using the persistence unit outside the webapp.

As i wrote TimerService is working in JUnit-Tests, but not in Tomcat with Openejb! It is initialized, but fires never. No special Openejb-Log- Entry
for this. Any idea about this?

No idea just from the description, but if you had a very small webapp that reproduced the issue we could take a look at it.

With the Transaction-Openejb-Logging-Fix now transactions work.

Great. We hope to get a 3.1.1 patch release out soon with that and a few other fixes we've been working on for an upcoming Geronimo release.

Still have to test Mail Session. Additionally access to InnermostConnection
(we are using some features of the Oracle Driver).

JSF 1.2 and EJB-Injection currently no problem.



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