On Sep 17, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Mike Wolffs wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to port an existing JMS based application from Weblogic to
> TomEE+.  I'm trying to figure out how to configure TomEE+ to instantiate the
> queues.  
> The queues would be accessed from external listeners.  We would provide a
> webservice wrapping a Java object to post messages onto the queues.
> This should be fairly simple but the TomEE documentation is sparse, and I'm
> not quite sure where everthing needs to go.  Is this all done under
> ActiveMQ, and should I be looking in that documentation?  Do they configure
> the same?

Hi Mike!

JMS queues are created automatically either

 1) at runtime the first time they're referenced.  ActiveMQ will never throw a 
"no such queue" kind of exception, it will always create one with the name you 
ask for.

 2) at deploy time because that queue is referenced via @Resource in code.  Say 
`@Resource(name = "FOO.QUEUE") javax.jms.Queue fooQueue;`, the queue name 
becomes "FOO.QUEUE"

 3) in configuration in the `<tomee-home>/conf/tomee.xml` file via `<Resource 
id="FOO.QUEUE" type="javax.jms.Queue"/>`

 4) in configuration in the `<mywebapp>/WEB-INF/resources.xml` file via 
`<Resource id="FOO.QUEUE" type="javax.jms.Queue"/>`


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