> I was very astonished getting a
QueryCacheStoreQuery$CachingResultObjectProvider object as result.
I don't think that is quite the case.... You're getting a List
implementation back, but under the covers OpenJPA is hiding this

> So what is going on here? I don't understand. Do I have to convert
something manually?
I spoke with Mike a little about this one, and I don't think what you are
trying to do is going to work. Setting the fetch batch size to a value
greater than zero means that OpenJPA will return you a result that will
stream results as they are requested.[1] This works fine when you are
processing a result set locally... when you try to stream this result out to
a remote client, OpenJPA doesn't have the ability to request additional data
from a remote client.

I'd recommend getting rid of the fetch batch size configuration.



On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 9:45 AM, M. Walter <marc.wal...@sbb.ch> wrote:

> Yes the problem only occurs if I set the fetch batch size.
> I was very astonished getting a
> QueryCacheStoreQuery$CachingResultObjectProvider object as result. I would
> have expected an OpenJPA implementation of the List interface containing my
> entities...
> So what is going on here? I don't understand. Do I have to convert
> something
> manually?
> --

*Rick Curtis*

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