> 1) I am running on WAS 7 server
If you have the JPA Feature Pack installed, you won't need to specify a
javaagent. Enhancement is handled by the container / JPA runtime.

> and if i turn on entity enhancer using javaagent, does that create any
performance issue?
You will pay a small cost for the enhancement when Entity classes are loaded
by the JVM. Once the classes are enhanced, the performance will be identical
as build time enhancement.

> 2) Which type of enhacer is preferable in production environment, runtime
or buildtime
Buildtime. This takes one variable away from the app server.


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 10:22 AM, chintan4181 <chintan4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi, I am getting below exception
> org.apache.openjpa.util.MetaDataException: No metadata was found for type
> "class com.company.domain.TestApplicatonVO". The class is not enhanced.;
> I can remove this exception by turning on Enity enahancement but I have
> below doubts
> 1) I am running on WAS 7 server and if i turn on entity enhancer using
> javaagent, does that create any performance issue?
> 2) Which type of enhacer is preferable in production environment, runtime
> or
> buildtime?
> Please suggest.
> Thanks
> Unmarshall

*Rick Curtis*

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