Try something like this:

E_App temp = new E_App();
temp = em.merge(temp);

On Dec 29, 2011 5:47 AM, "Pawel Veselov" <> wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I'm creating a temporary entity,
> within transaction, deleting the entity before committing. I need that
> temporary entity in the database during the transaction though... My code
> is roughly doing this:
> EntityManager em; // have it
> E_App temp = new E_App();
> temp.setPrimaryKey(temporaryPK);
> em.merge(temp);
> em.flush();
> // the temporary entity is in the database, as I wanted (verified)
> // do other crazy stuff now, not touching temp instance in any way
> // (except from side direct DB queries that don't modify any managed
> columns)
> em.remove(temp);
> em.flush(); // I added that line in hope it might make a difference, but it
> doesn't
> // some other stuff, also changes persistence context
> em.getTransaction().commit();
> The problem is that temp shows up in the database after commit.
> There is a statement in the spec that says that if you call remove() on a
> new entity, it's a no-op. I agree it should be, but I don't think new and
> merged entity qualifies for being "new". I tried to trace this down, and
> from what I can see, BrokerImpl.delete(Object,OpCallbacks) gets <null> from
> getStateManagerImpl() for that object, passing it as a second arg into
> delete(Object, StateManagerImpl, OpCallbacks), which effectively makes it a
> no-op.
> Thank you,
>  Pawel.

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