Mike -

Can you post the Entities that you're having problems with?


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Mike Goldner <mike.gold...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have an entity that extends an abstract MappedSuperClass class.  The
> abstract class only declares an ID and Version field.
> When I attempt to persist the object, I get the following error:
> 2185 [main] DEBUG openjpa.Runtime  - An exception occurred while ending the
> transaction.  This exception will be re-thrown.
> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to
> java.lang.String
> at
> org.apache.openjpa.kernel.TransferFieldManager.fetchStringField(TransferFiel
> dManager.java:76)
> I'm not familiar with the OpenJPA codebase, but I made an attempt to see
> what was happening via the Eclipse debugger.
> It seems that while in the StateManagerImpl class there is a mismatch in
> field numbering used to retrieve fields from my entity.  In my case, I am
> expecting to fetch a String value for my field.  While in the
> "fetchString(int field)" method, I have a field number that corresponds to
> the field index of the _meta._allFields array.  However, when the code
> proceeds to the "fetchStringField(int field)" method, it seems to return a
> completely different field (an ArrayList, which explains the exception).
> While it may be coincidence, I notice that there is a _pc field that
> appears
> to have a representation of my entity fields that is sorted alphabetically
> and does not match the ordering of the _meta._allFields field.
> I am running OpenJPA 2.2.0 with Java 6 using Derby as the DB.  I am
> enhancing the classes at compile time using the openjpa-maven-plugin.
> Mike Goldner

*Rick Curtis*

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