Sounds like a bug. Can you come up with a small unit test that recreates
the issue?

Thanks, Rick
On May 24, 2012 3:12 AM, "Michael Spiro" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using OpenJPA 2.1.0 and make use of the @ElementDependent annotation.
> Recently I discovered following unexpected behaviour.
> I have an entity that contains a collection of dependent elements. When I
> load the entity in the persistence context, make changes on some of its
> attributes (but not on the dependend elements collection) and merge the
> entity, then the dependent elements are deleted upon the transaction
> commit.
> As the entity is already managed the merge should actually do nothing. The
> loading of the dependent elements collection is lazy and I haven't loaded
> any of them, but the dependend elements were not removed from the
> collection
> and should be referenced at the time of commit, so I would expect them to
> be
> retained. Is it a bug or a feature?
> Kind regards,
> Michael.

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