While I agree that Urmas exaggerated, I was surprised by the number of designs that included some hint of the Windows scheme. While I use Windows and am happy with it, it seems to me that one of OO's "selling" points is that it is cross-platform. Incorporating hints of one operating system in the logo doesn't advertise the cross-platform nature of OO.

That said, there were several very good designs in the survey that did not include the Windows hints. I particularly liked the designs with the feather and globe icon, as well as those incorporating the doves as ends of a book. Very creative and descriptive of the extent of OOs breadth.


-----Original Message----- From: JB
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:45 AM
To: users@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Logo Survey now Open!

On Sat, 27 Apr 2013 17:53:45 +0700
"Urmas" <davian...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The Apache OpenOffice project is planning a "brand refresh" for our
> next major release, Apache OpenOffice 4.0. As part of this effort we
> are looking to update our logo.

And there was no better ideas that copycatting MSO 4-tile logo, metro'izing it and throwing in some chicken feathers? The whole gallery save 1-2 images is like that.

The "whole gallery save 1-2" eh. You're pretty good at over-exaggeration, that or you didn't pay very good attention in school during the time you were supposed to
 be learning to count.

With all those donations one could suppose a real designer will be employed to create a keystone image. Unless someone is planning to get it off soon and not
invest in it targeting next decade or more.

Well, c'mon then Mr. Artiste! Get with it and make something and contribute! We
 won't hold our breath waiting for it though.

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