Good Evening Jo-Lynn,

I've been a user of Open-Office including Apache Open Office (AOO) for over 7 years. I used to be a hardcore MS-Office user until the price got so high I couldn't afford it. Any software has "bumps in the road", as does this new AOO, but I have no regrets! There is a whole lot of volunteer supporters, who are more then happy to help a new convert. Don't panic, if something doesn't go as expected. There is a very small learning curve. I have not come across anything that Open Office (AOO) can't do, in comparison to MS-Office. Give it 6 months (for your own comfort) that's how long I hung on to MS-Office before I quit. Only the Database is not fully tested by myself because I was not a heavy user of any database, but I've started trials for my own curiosity.

Take Care.
College Park, MD USA wrote on 9/15/2013 12:46 PM:
I just heard about this program from a friend.  I currently have Microsoft 
Office 2010.  Will I be able to open my current Word and Excel programs with 
this software?

Microsoft is going to be charging to be able to continue to use the Microsoft 
Office software, and I don't feel that I should pay.

Thanking you in advance.

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