If it's no trouble - what about the folders and files that remain in the user/library/application support (on a mac) even after you have deleted the software? . Mine currently has these folders:


and would have some for OO 3 had it not been necessary to revert to an old hard disk because the usual one crashed.

Can all these go?

Many thanks.

On 11 May 2014, at 16:56, James Knott wrote:

AK wrote:
I have been wondering if I can delete or uninstall older versions of
Office Org.  I have been using it for ages now and just love it and I
have just downloaded/installed 4.1 thanks to the wonderful way you let
users know of new versions by the link in the programs.  It is every
bit as good as MS Office which is so expensive and not worth the money.

I always remove the old version if it doesn't happen automagically.

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