The Apache mailing lists have been down due to a hardware failure.
More information can be found on the ASF Infrastructure blog here:

If you are reading this note that means that the lists are back up
(yeah!) and the queued up list traffic is now being delivered.   When
this happens, expect some confusion, including:

1) List subscribers surprised or confused by the sudden surge of
traffic as the queued up emails are delivered.

2) Some requests to unsubscribe because of 1) above.

3) Some repeat emails from people who didn't get a response to their
original posts because the lists were down.  Some of them may be

4) Some test emails from people trying to figure out why their email
was not coming through.

So it will be messy  Let's not make this messier than it is.
Consider this note (and the linked blog post) to be an adequate
response to anyone asking about the mail outage.  I'd recommend
focusing on any backed up product support questions.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!


-Rob, Your Friendly List Moderator

List Conduct Guidelines:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

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