At 16:02 24/06/2014 +0200, A. Lecocq wrote:
To Brian Baker,

I don't know of anyone here by that name. Will I do instead?

When I send the attached sheet-feuille- my contact can open the document and the message - Read only - En lecture seule - is coming on the screen. So he cannot modify any element. When my contact send me a similar document I have the same message. What is wrong?

There are possibly two issues here. The second sheet of your spreadsheet document - "matrice" - is protected, so you and your correspondent will not be able to make some changes. To remove this protection, remove the tick from Tools | Protect Document > | Sheet... . In general, you would have to enter the protection password at this point, but no password has been set.

What is the solution to avoid the message and to be able to modify some element?

If you are finding that you cannot modify *any part* of the spreadsheet, you have a different problem - and probably nothing to do with the spreadsheet document or OpenOffice. Instead, it may be that you do not understand how your mail client works.

When you receive a file attached to an e-mail message, your mail client may save this in a temporary location. The idea is that you will then copy or move it to a suitable place in your document filing system before you use it. If you attempt to edit it in the temporary location, there are two problems: such temporary locations may get automatically flushed, so that you might lose your work; and anyway you may not know where to find your modified document. Some mail clients helpfully arrange that files held in the temporary location are read-only, so as to avoid your making that mistake. The solution is simply to save the file in your normal folders - "Documents" or wherever - before you attempt to work on it. Your correspondent may have the same difficulty.

I had a look on the "help" but I don't find a solution.

There will be no help for the latter suggestion, as it has nothing to do with OpenOffice.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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