One thing I think will be useful is to explain for a beginner how to test 
and run MS Office Macros in OpenOffice.
I know it shoud be possible but I could never understand exactly how and 
whitch limitations I can expect.
Thank you.

Ing. Francesco Ziviani
Sales Manager

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Surftech S.r.l.
Via dei Montecchi 8 - 37031 Illasi (VR)


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Da:     "M. Fioretti" <>
Data:   16/07/2014 13:23
Oggetto:        best macros and macro resources for OpenOffice?


in the next days I will write a tutorial for a magazine about macros,
aimed to beginners. In this context, any feedback (here on the list,
so we can share) on the points below is welcome:

- your favourite/most useful/most used macro?

- did you ever find a Libreoffice/OpenOffice macro online which you
  wanted to run on your computer, but were unable to? If yes,which
  one, and why?

- (For the links section) which resource you would recommend first to
  complete novices who want to write a PORTABLE macro (e.g. working
  both on Libreoffice and OpenOffice, on any operating system)

Thanks in advance for any feedback,

M. Fioretti         

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