Thanks to those who replied.

To Martin, I have written much software over the years that was indeed 
"confused". And while I am often confused, I have no soul - many people have 
told me this so it must be true. 
Anyway, as I mentioned in the previous email - 
Cut-And-Paste issue: I had (prior to sending my email) opened the MS 
spreadsheet from within OO and have been working with that. That was and is the 
work around. 
Column confusion when using Apple's Magic Mouse: Apparently this is a known 
issue. I have been using the scroll bar at the bottom of the OO spreadsheet as 
a usable work-around.

As for the suggestions -Cut-And-Paste Issue:1.) Insert From file worked. 
Thanks.2.) Memory: default was 20MB, 5.2MB per object and 20 objects. Seems 
like a lot. I don't think any given sheet  in the file I was converting would 
exceed those parameters. But I tried increasing the number of objects to 50 to 
no effect (Note that I assumed that an object might be something like a text 
box - but I found out that the "select all" I was using did not port the text 
boxes over from a very simple sheet anyway - I had to do that manually unlike 
Excel, where the "select all" will cause the text boxes to port over to a new 
Excel sheet.)3.) I tried some simple sheets - they mostly were able to be 
copied over but curiously, one with about 100 lines, four columns did not. The 
only common thread between those that worked and didn't was that I had used 
"freeze window panes" in those that didn't work. Getting rid of that "freeze" 
though didn't help. 4.) A couple of users suggested more patience with the 
paste, since a lot of conversion may be going on. Since there is no status 
indicator other than a brief blip in the menu "Edit" indicating the paste 
selection, I waited, and waited and waited - went on to other things. Nothing. 
Not sure how long I should wait. Seems odd to me though that the conversion 
that takes place when I open the Excel file from within OO (many sheets, not 
just the one I was trying to paste) takes maybe 10 secs to complete. So I 
suspect patience is NOT the issue. 
Column confusion:It was suggested that I, in addition to the use of the scroll 
bar that I had already discovered, enter the desired column number in the upper 
left window. That did work. Good suggestion. So two work-arounds there until 
the known issue is fixed. 
So I guess the bottom-line is that there is something fishy and unknown in 
cutting-and-pasting a single sheet from Excel to Calc. 
__________________________________________Original Email:I am an OO newbie so 
bear with me. 
I am on an iMac using 10.9.4 and I have never used OO before. I downloaded 
4.1.0. I am trying to migrate an MS Excel spreadsheet to Calc. It will be nice 
to get away from MS. 
Anyway, I have noticed two problems right off the bat - maybe they are known 
already and I simply need to be vectored to the appropriate Apache site. But in 
the even that they are not known already ....
1.) I seem unable to cut-and-paste "large" amounts from my current MS Excel 
file into OO Calc. I can do a small set of cells. When I do a 'select all' in 
Excel and try to paste into Calc, however, nothing happens. 
Work around: Open the Excel spreadsheet from within Calc. That is OK but not 
particularly satisfying when I later have to paste more in from some other 
source. But it is OK for now.
2.) I use a so-called Apple Magic Mouse. Excel often is jittery when I 
accidentally slide a finger across the top of the mouse - columns zoom by but 
it is recoverable, though irritating. However, Calc does not seem to be able to 
recover so easily. It can get confused quickly (by a minor though quick finger 
swipe across the mouse - speed of swipe seems to be the issue) and head off 
into columns unknown. I try scrolling back with the mouse (sliding a finger 
across the top of the mouse like a track pad) but it does not seem to be able 
to get back to Column 'A'. It just seems lost (three-letter columns will come 
down to two-letter columns but then go back to three-letter and so forth, sort 
of drifting even though I am making a determined effort to scroll back to the 
Work around: Use the Calc scroll bar at the bottom of the Calc spreadsheet. 
Again, that is OK but not very satisfying. I was also able to "recover" by 
reloading (from the Calc menu) but that would probably not be a good solution 
for this apparent column tracking problem if it occurs before I have had a 
chance to save my work - I have not tried that though.
Has anyone seen this before? Am I retracing old issues?


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