Version 4.1.1 build 9775 (Mac OSX) is what I have, and I get the same message when checking for updates on Apache OO Website.

Is it possible that the Cnet alert email is spam? Or otherwise, that Cnet has some not-very-timely update alert system you signed up for?

Kind regards


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On 27/9/14 at 8:47 PM, (Janet Rogers) wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam

I have the OpenOffice version 4.1.1 (4.11.9775) which was updated on 23.08.2014.

I have, today, received a Download Alert email from Cnet saying that there is an 'update' to this version dated 25.09.2014 saying that 'Version 4.1.1 is a micro release intended to fix critical issues' but, when I did a 'check for updates' through myOpenOffice it says my version is currently 'up-to-date' so can you verift for me please.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully
Mrs J Rogers

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