Rene Choukroun <> wrote:

Very important for me...

I have a big problem with open office :

I have a doc in .ODS With a protection by a password and now i can't
open it and i see i can't Also save a doc with a protection by
password. When i want to save a doc with a password i Receive this
message each time to save a doc .

I have this message error when i want to open the doc with a password
and i am very very sure That my password is exact ! :

I have uninstall the open office and reinstall it without succes.

I have uninstall the 4.1.1 version and install an other version like
4.0.1 without succes Also.

I don't know what to do ? I use open office since a few years maybe
10 years and it is the First time i have this probleme.

Can you help me please? My computer is a macbook pro mid 2010 with
OSX maverick and now  yosemite.

Thank you

Best regards

Rene Choukroun

I apologize in advance for the length of this e-mail. This seems to be related to bug #125431, but the developers have had trouble getting the problem to occur on their machines, for which reason they are having trouble finding the cause. To clarify the problem, I have two questions.

1. Is the problem solely with the "open" functionality, or does saving a document in 4.1.1 also corrupt the file?

The users who reported but #125431 only have trouble opening files, but saving the files doesn't corrupt either the files or their profile; other than that, your symptom is exactly the same as what they reported.

I understand you downgraded to Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1; can AOO 4.0.1 save a new password-protected spreadsheet, and simply not open the ones that you attempted to modify and save in version 4.1.1?

If OpenOffice 4.0.1 cannot even open password-protected files that you didn't touch in OO 4.1.1, then please see below.

2. If you uninstalled version 4.1.1 and installed 4.0.1 and still have the problem, what happens if you also reset your profile? You can do that by moving the

~/Library/Application Support/OpenOffice/4/user

folder to the Trash. In your Finder, click "go," then "Go to folder..." then type

~/Library/Application Support/OpenOffice/4

and click "Go." Move "user" to the trash, restart your computer, and see if OpenOffice 4.0.1 will open your password-protected files or not.

A. If it opens all password-protected files including those that you attempted to save in OpenOffice 4.1.1, then AOO 4.1.1 (on your computer) (or rather, an interaction between OO 4.1.1 and the OS) might have done something to your OpenOffice profile; thus, dragging it to the trash after downgrading to 4.0.1 made the problem go away.

B. If it opens only those password-protected files that worked before, but not those that you attempted to save in OpenOffice 4.1.1, then the act of saving the files seems to have corrupted them.

C. If I misunderstand your e-mail, and you can actually open the files as soon as you downgrade to 4.0.1, then that means that AOO 4.1.1 simply can't open password-protected files but, thankfully, you didn't lost any data (see question #1 above).

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