Kenneth Kessler wrote:
> My problem is I can't get the spellcheck function to work.
> In write and calc when I select Autospellcheck, Every word is underlined
> but not corrected.
> When Spelling (F7) is selected, all words are selected as wrong with no
> suggestions.  The text language is listed as English (USA) with the blue
> check mark.
> In Options Language the User interface is Default-English (USA) and the
> Default languages for Documents is Western English (USA) with the blue
> check mark.
> In Options Writing Aids the Available language modules checked are:
> Hunspell SpellChecker, Libbyphen Hyphenator, and New
> Thesaurus.
> User-defined dictionaries checked are: standard (All), and IgnoreAllList
> (All).
> The program is OpenOffice 4.1.1  Rev. 1617669 on a Windows 7 Home
> Premium Service Pack 1 computer
> with Pentium Dual-Core CPU  E5400 @ 2070 GHz  1.90 GHz. and 3.00 GB
> RAM.  64-bit operating system
> This program has been removed and reinstalled in this computer more than
> once with the problem not solved.
> The spell check function works for this email (Thunderbird) and for an
> old Word program, but not OpenOffice.
>  Please help,
> Ken Kessler
This is usually caused by corruption in the User Profile and can be
fixed by resetting the Profile. For details on doing this see the
following tutorial in the User Forum: Reset your user profile:


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