On 24/03/15 10:13, Elif Doğalı wrote:

> I have open office and I save my word document with setting a password but,

Word?  That is an MS File Format.  I didn't know LibO could save
password protected MSO file formats.

>I forget it. How could I remove the password and open my document?

If you meant Write, then:

LibO 3.4.5 and lower can write files whose password protection relies on
LibO 3.4.4 and lower can read files whose password protection relies on
LibO 3.4.5 and higher can read files whose password protection relies on
LibO 3.5.0 and higher can write files whose password protection relies
on AES-256;

OpenOffice.org 3.3 and lower can read/write files  whose password
protection relies on SHA1/Blowfish;
Apache OpenOffice 3.4 and higher can read/write files whose password
protection relies on SHA256 / AES;

https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/User:TJFrazier/Encryption contains a
transitional macro for AOo 3.4, to read SHA1/Blowfish encrypted documents.

The Crypto++ library contains routines for encrypting/decrypting
blowfish, AES-256, and other algorithms for ciphers.

is an OOo extension/macro that brute forces passwords.
It was last updated in 2005, so it won't work with LibO 3.5.0, and
higher, or AOo 3.4 and higher. I noticed that SourceForge didn't offer
"Code" on the project components line, so source code might not be

http://archive09.linux.com/articles/61635 is an article from 2007 on
breaking documents encrypted with OOo.

http://ringlord.com/dl/Decrypting%20ODF%20Files.pdf is an in-depth
explanation of how to decrypt ODF File Format files.

One of the commercially distributed password recovery tools claims that
the estimated time to recover a password are:
* 5 characters: 28 minutes;
* 6 characters: 44 hours;
* 7 characters: 174 days;
* 8 characters: 45 years;
I'm assuming the normal stupid password selection process that is
typically used.

At 10,000 passwords per second, brute force for the 192 ASCII set of glyphs:
(This is run of the mill equipment.)

2       1.84    seconds;
3       5.90    minutes;
4       0.786   days;
5       21.57   weeks;
6       79.65   years;
7       1.53E+004       years;
8       2.94E+006       years;
9       5.64E+008       years;
10      1.08E+011       years;
11      2.08E+013       years;
12      3.99E+015       years;
13      7.66E+017       years;
14      1.47E+020       years;
15      2.82E+022       years;
16      5.42E+024       years;
17      1.04E+027       years;
18      2.00E+029       years;
19      3.84E+031       years;
20      7.37E+033       years;

At 1,000,000,000 passwords per second, brute force for the 192 ASCII set
of glyphs:
(This is COTS hardware, albeit optimized for this specific task.)

2       0.00    seconds;
3       0.00    seconds;
4       0.68    seconds;
5       130.46  seconds;
6       6.96    hours;
7       55.66   days;
8       29.36   years;
9       5.64E+003       years;
10      1.08E+006       years;
11      2.08E+008       years;
12      3.99E+010       years;
13      7.66E+012       years;
14      1.47E+015       years;
15      2.82E+017       years;
16      5.42E+019       years;
17      1.04E+022       years;
18      2.00E+024       years;
19      3.84E+026       years;
20      7.37E+028       years;

At 1,000,000,000 passwords per second, brute force for the 65536 Unicode
Base Plane set of glyphs:
(This uses COTS hardware, albeit optimized for this specific task.)

2       2.15    seconds;
3       39.09   hours;
4       293.27  years;
5       1.92E+007       years;
6       1.26E+012       years;
7       8.25E+016       years;
8       5.41E+021       years;
9       3.55E+026       years;
10      2.32E+031       years;
11      1.52E+036       years;
12      9.98E+040       years;
13      6.54E+045       years;
14      4.29E+050       years;
15      2.81E+055       years;
16      1.84E+060       years;
17      1.21E+065       years;
18      7.91E+069       years;
19      5.18E+074       years;
20      3.40E+079       years;

At 10,000,000,000 passwords per second, brute force for the 65536
Unicode Base Plane set of glyphs:
(This uses COTS hardware, albeit somewhat specialized, and optimized for
this specific task.)

2       0.21    seconds;
3       3.91    hours;
4       29.33   years;
5       1.92E+006       years;
6       1.26E+011       years;
7       8.25E+015       years;
8       5.41E+020       years;
9       3.55E+025       years;
10      2.32E+030       years;
11      1.52E+035       years;
12      9.98E+039       years;
13      6.54E+044       years;
14      4.29E+049       years;
15      2.81E+054       years;
16      1.84E+059       years;
17      1.21E+064       years;
18      7.91E+068       years;
19      5.18E+073       years;
20      3.40E+078       years;

Various things that can speed up the decryption time:
* Knowing some, or all of the password;
* Using good wordlists and known mangling patterns;
* Throwing more hardware at the password;


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