This complaint is voiced *way* too often.
Couldn't a routine be built-in that could not only "sense" this condition
but repair it, as well?

Maurice Howe

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:26 PM, Bob <> wrote:

> To whom it may concern,I am at my wits end with the spell check in OO.I
> can find nothing in the forum about the problem of "the spell check does
> not work". the only thing I can find is for V 3.4. I repeatedly searched
> for solutions for the issue in V 4.1.1 and am referred back to the same
> page in the forum regarding V3.4 issues. The answers there are NOT
> applicable to my version. I have re-installed the program several times and
> it seems that NO ONE HAS FIXED IT YET! What do I have to do to make this
> program work? I write a doc and everything I write is underlined and I must
> either add every word to the DIC or use Ignore all. There are no
> suggestions in the spell checker!
> Robert Smith

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