
I want to make a list of maybe 400-600 items, each with a thumbsize image. Other data includes a major and minor category name, and descriptive text. I want to be able to sort the list on the category names, at least.

I have been experimenting with Calc and have of course come up against the problem of images not sorting as part of rows. I much prefer the simplicity of Calc to using Base (which I've never managed to master).

One solution I've thought of but not worked thru is to hold the images in a separate Calc sheet and then in the main sheet refer to the image cell address. Is there a clever way of then merging the sorted main sheet and the images sheet so that the images are properly associated with the descriptions - either for display only, but preferably for print. Or some other way of achieving the same result?

A fall back solution is to create the main sheet, sort it, add the images, then make changes only by deleting or adding rows. That'd be acceptable, but limits new sorts that I don't anticipate now but may find would be useful later on - such as sort by item $$ value.

I've looked on the 'net for catalogue systems for museums, art galleries etc, and while they cover what I want they all have seemed to be over complicated.

I'm running AOO 4.1.1 on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.5


Mike Shearer

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