On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Delallen <delal...@comcast.net> wrote:

> This is Del Allen ( delal...@comcast.net ), I just got a New computer ( OS
> is Windows 8.1 ). I (unfortunately) got no disks (reinstall disks) with it

Hello Del... it is quite common that new pc's do not include recovery disks
(reinstall disks). It is a way to reduce production cost that can lead to
end user heartache because most people don't have recovery disks when
they're needed. How to acquire recovery disks? At the Windows 8.1 start
screen search for "recovery disks". Most pc makers include a program to
create recovery disks. Find the program and create your recovery disks so
you have them if/when needed.

> Two main reasons for contacting you, 1) I wasn't able to include the "Keep
> me updated/informed" section of the initial form. Please Do So! If there is
> any more information you may need, just let me know.  2) Just downloaded

Go to this web page, http://www.openoffice.org/, and select the "I want to
stay in touch with OpenOffice" link. You can select one or several methods
there to stay informed.

> ...  2) Just downloaded
> your "suite" ( at least I'm hoping so as I have heard so much about this
> I'm

Please be sure you downloaded OpenOffice from this web page,
http://www.openoffice.org/, by clicking the link "I want to download Apache
OpenOffice". Downloads from other locations may include additional software
that is undesirable or even malicious.

> ... will your "system" Completely take
> the place of Office and should I Completely remove Microsoft Office from my
> computer?  Any information or help would greatly be appreciated.  Just so

Yes, depending on your requirements it can be used as a replacement for
Microsoft Office. No, there is no need to remove Microsoft Office but you
may do that if you wish.

"...depending on your reqirements..." what's that mean? For creating
document (Writer vs Word), spreadsheet (Calc vs Excel), presentation
(Impress vs Powerpoint) files all the tasks can be done using either
software suite. For sharing documents between the suites the level of
fidelity in the exchange varies.

If your requirement is to create and share with others using OpenOffice no
problem. If your requirement is to create and share with Microsoft Office
users or edit files created by Microsoft office users then some
experimentation may be needed from time to time to get the most
satisfactory results.

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