At 20:56 06/09/2016 -0400, Kevin McKeel wrote:
I create very large documents. Can I link words and paragraphs in the same large document to work like a hyperlink does and jump up or down the pages to the destination that was marked to click elsewhere in the document?

Yes. Here is one way.
o Position the cursor at the target text.
o Go to Insert | Bookmark... and give the bookmark a name.
o Select the text that you want to act as a hyperlink.
o Go to Insert | Hyperlink (or click the Hyperlink button in the Standard toolbar). o Under "Target in document", click the "Target in Document" button, to the right of the Target box. o In the "Target in Document" panel, click the plus sign against Bookmarks to expand the list.
o Select the relevant bookmark.
o Click Apply and Close.
o In the Hyperlink panel, click Apply and Close.
Note that you use Ctrl+click to use the hyperlink.

Why do words that you've ignored in a spellcheck continue to show up with the red squiggly underline even after you saved the file? You take the time and address all the tagged words but it is just temporary.

I can't tell you why, but this is clearly by design.

o The Ignore and Ignore All functions are useful, despite applying only to the current editing session. If, for example, you have a proper name that occurs a number of times in your document but does not occur in the dictionaries, it is useful to be able to confirm with Ignore All that all your copies of it are identical - that you haven't misspelled one or more of them, that is.

o If you want words not currently in the dictionary to be remembered for next time you edit the document, you can use Add (instead of Ignore) to add the word to your custom dictionary. The standard custom dictionary is "standard.dic", but you can add others, so you could even create a special dictionary for use only with a specific document. To create dictionaries, control their use, and edit their contents, go to Tools | Options... | Language Settings | Writing Aids | User-defined dictionaries.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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