For the record, an extension, in French was made some time ago, it works fine 
(just tried on xubuntu 16.10 and AOO 4.1.3):

Should not be that difficult to find out how it works even for non-French users.
There are screenshots in the topic (before the post linked above).
Preferences can be accessed by Tools > Add-Ons > Prefs Sauvegarde++ 2.1
There is a toolbar that should appear once installed.


Le 25/11/2016 à 21:22, Maurice Howe a écrit :
Lost a valuable info file?  You only have to lose your royal ass once to be
cured.  There's frequent backups, of course, but here's a simple way.
     Rename a file being revised by including today's date in the filename,
such as "XYZ 2016-11-25".  For multiple updates per day, add an alpha
     Never fail to rename a file when you change it.
     The "downside" is using disk space but you can later delete older

Maurice Howe

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