Hi there, I had an outdated version of openoffice installed and I decided
to update it yesterday thinking, hey, I never update these things, let's
give it a go.

Well, now I can't find my openoffice writer. I can open openoffice and
select "text document" but I can't directly open up the writer anymore, as
the file doesn't seem to exist.

All I used was the writer program (as I am a writer and the openoffice
program was by far the most comfortable writing program I have found.)

I've tried uninstalling the latest version and I tried each version down to
4.0.0, and I'm fairly certain I had a version above that, but they all did
the same and I could no longer access the writer directly.

I currently have the latest version installed, but I thought I'd send out
an email before looking for a new writer program - I really did enjoy it
and I'm not entirely sure how to get it back, so if you could help me, that
would be fantastic. I don't care much what version I get aha.

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