At 16:16 07/12/2017 +1100, Jeff Pohlmann wrote:
Until recently I've used an old version of Word on my Windows XP computer but that seems top have died, hence now using OpenOffice.

Several times a year I have to put together a list with names and dates. The dates are shown at the top of columns and I have always just written them as, eg, Feb 5 for February 5 or, say, Sep 19 for September 19. In context of what I'm doing I don't need anything else. Just Feb 5, Sep 19 and so on. My problem is that when I write Feb 5 then tab to the next column, it changes to 01/02/05. Sep 6 changes to 01/09/06.

Any ideas as to how I stop what I want changing to something I don't want?

I'm having to guess here, because you suggest you are using columns in a text (Writer) document, but your comment about tabbing to the next column suggests that instead you have a table. If so...

You can disable this function by removing the tick from Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Writer | Table | Input in tables | Number recognition | Number format recognition. If you prefer, you can disable number recognition completely by removing the tick from Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Writer | Table | Input in tables | Number recognition instead.

But there is a simpler solution. Before entering the data, go to Table | Number Format... | Category (or right-click | Number Format... | Category) and set the format to Text. Then your input values will not be reformatted.

Alternatively, you could choose to allow OpenOffice to adjust your values, but set the format you wanted. To do that, go to Table | Number Format... (or right-click | Number Format... ) and enter "MMM D" (no quotes) in the Format code box at the bottom. That will show today's date as "Dec 7" from any of a range of possible ways of inputting it.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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